Impossible (2014)

A Short Film, 4 min, 16x9, Color

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

-Arthur C. Clarke

Despite the deep and complex chemistry of analog instant film, it has returned to our lives with new meaning.  Turning light into images, if not ingenious, is then the simple joy of watching magic develop.

Directed & Produced by Kelly Nyks & Jared P. Scott

Produced by Callie Barlow

Director of Photography Mike McSweeney

Edited by Tony Hale

Animation by Never Odd or Even

Music by Malcolm Francis

VFX by Noah Poole

Colorist Josh Kanuck

Production Assistance by Amos Efrat

Fixer Jereon Mente

Special thanks to Stephen Herchen, Oskar Smolokowski, Alex Holbrook, Hank & The Enschede Team

Photographs courtesy of Ale di Gangi, Matteo Varsi & Joe Polaroid Photography